Join the RTT Teach Abroad Blog Carnival

Do you run a blog? Have you ever heard of a blog carnival? A blog carnival is a blogging promotional event that is intended to drive traffic to participating blogs.
Reach To Teach has organized its very first blog carnival, which will feature our favorite travel and ESL bloggers from around the world. We’re still looking for participants, and anyone can join in the fun just email to get involved.
By participating in our Blog Carnival, you’ll be reaching a wider audience of readers, plus you’ll be posting helpful content and advice on your own blog for other teachers who are thinking about teaching English abroad.
This is how it works:
- Each month I will select one of our travel writers to host the blog carnival on their blog.
- We are asking participants to write about a topic related to teaching and/or travel.
- Everyone writes a blog entry about this topic. You can write anything you want, as long as your article is based on the topic provided. You publish your article on your blog.
- Include an introduction at the top of the page that introduces your readers to the Blog Carnival. You might want to use something like this: Today’s article is written for the Reach To Teach Teach Abroad Blog Carnival, a monthly series that focuses on providing helpful tips and advice to ESL teachers around the globe. I’ll be posting a new ESL related article on my blog on the 4th of every month. Check back for more articles, and if you’d like to contribute to next month’s Blog Carnival, please get in touch with Dean at, and he will let you know how you can start participating!
- Send the link to your article to the host along with a short description of your article and an author bio. Don’t forget to send the host your link. That’s how we’re going to send traffic to your site! The host will upload everyone’s article and author bios into an article on their blog and then they will send you the link of completed entries to insert into your blog.
- Next month, it’s someone else’s turn to host.
If you want to participate, get in touch with me at Your article needs to be live on your blog by the 4th of every month. The official round-up of links will be posted on the hosts blog on the 5th of every month.
This is a great opportunity to draw more attention to our blogs as we are putting our heads together and providing a wealth of information on just one topic. It’s also very attractive to our readers.
So what are you waiting for? Buckle up and let’s get this carnival started!
*** Carnival Announcement ***
June 2015 blog Topic: How do you offend the locals?
May 2015 blog topic: How has living in a foreign country changed your idea of home comforts?
Read the Reach To Teach entry: Home Comforts
April 2015 blog topic: Who is best to teach? Adults? Teens? Kindergarten? Which group do you love teaching and why?
Read the Reach To Teach entry: The Best Age To Teach
March 2015 blog topic: Write a letter back to yourself when you were just planning your trip
Read the Reach To Teach entry: Plan Your Journey Well
February 2015 blog topic: At what moment did you finally start to feel like you were at “home” during your time living abroad?
Read the Reach To Teach entry: Feeling At Home While You’re Abroad
January 2015 blog topic: What is the one resolution you will make for your next year of travel/teaching abroad and why?
Read the Reach To Teach entry: New Year Travel Resolution
December 2014 blog topic: What were the most endearing/hilarious English mistakes your students have made?
Read the Reach To Teach entry: Grammar And Spelling Mistakes
November 2014 blog topic: Discuss the benefits of slow travel, whether it’s teaching or volunteering.
Read the Reach To Teach entry: 5 Benefits Of Slow Travel
October 2014 blog topic (Reach To Teach host): What Are Your Top Tips For Meeting New People Abroad?
September 2014 blog topic: Who was the best travel companion or person you met along the road and why?
Read the Reach To Teach entry: Travel Companions
August 2014 blog topic: Teaching And Technology. How Much Do You Rely On It? How Useful Is It?
Read the Reach To Teach entry: Teaching And Technology
July 2014 blog topic: Decision Making Process: How And Why You Decided To Become An ESL Teacher?
Read the Reach To Teach entry: Decision Making Process
June 2014 blog topic: ‘Learn from your mistakes! What was your worst lesson? What went wrong? How did you recover from it?’
Read the Reach To Teach entry: ‘Learn From Your Mistakes‘
May 2014 blog topic: ‘How Do You Keep Yourself From Becoming Burnt Out And How Do You Stay Motivated To Teach?‘
Read the Reach To Teach entry: ‘Don’t Get Burnt Out With Teaching‘
April 2014 blog topic (Reach To Teach host): Travel Myth’s Debunked
March 2014 blog topic: It’s a whirlwind adventure! What advice would you give to people getting ready for their own adventure that you wish you could have done differently?
Read the Reach To Teach entry: ‘Getting Ready to Teach English Abroad? Take my Advice‘
February 2014 blog topic: Write a letter professing your love to the one place you love the most.
Read the Reach To Teach entry: ‘An Open Love Letter to my Home Country, England‘
January 2014 blog topic: How you do you cope with missing holidays/celebrations while living abroad?
Read the Reach To Teach entry: ‘Coping with Missing the Holidays‘
December 2013 blog topic: What lesson or moment are you most proud of in the classroom?
Read the Reach To Teach entry: ‘My Most Proudest Moment? Gaining A PA‘
November 2013 blog topic: Teaching and learning in the ESL classroom.
Read the Reach To Teach entry: ‘What Teaching ESL Has Taught Me‘
October 2013 blog topic: Travel stories; Whether they are funny, life changing, happy or sad we want to know about them.
Read the Reach To Teach entry: ‘Change In Kubutambahan, North Bali’.
September 2013 blog topic (Reach To Teach host): ‘How has teaching abroad made you a better person?‘
4 Responses
Has a topic been picked for October? Where will you be posting the next month’s topic? Thanks!
Hi Rebe,
We are currently in the process of choosing a new host for next month, they shall then choose the topic. We should know in the next few days and as soon as they are set up they will send an email out to all of our bloggers to let them know the topic and deadline. I have added your email to our carnival bloggers list so that you shall be included in the next blog carnival.
Thank you for joining our carnival, we look forward to reading your future posts.
If you have any questions then feel free to contact me at
Dean Barnes
Can you please add my email to the blogger list as well so that I can be notified of upcoming topics? thanks!
Hi Sharon,
Please send us your email address or contact Dean at Your email address didn’t post with your comment, unfortunately. Thank you for your interest!