Event Recap: RTT Taiwan August Event at Roxy Rocker

Event Recap: RTT Taiwan August Event at Roxy Rocker

August brought in a bunch of new teachers to Taiwan, making this month’s event full of new faces! Admittedly, I was running late and missed out on all the drama: the first venue lost our reservation, sent us last minute to another bar down the road, and then made the first few people who showed up wait to get in! However, the hassle and last minute venue-change didn’t stop us from having a good time!

Listening to Led Zeppelin, ACDC, Jimi Hendrix, and more, the bar had an awesome music selection to compensate for the mix up. It was great to meet and welcome all the new teachers, and to spend the night socializing, listening to great music, and showing off our moves on the dance floor.

Many thanks to Carrie for dealing with the hassle of the reservation and making sure we had a good time. Also, thank you for the new Reach to Teach T-shirts; I will be rocking mine all over Taiwan 🙂

Keep an eye out for details of our next monthly event!

Cheers, Mary

See also  RTT Taiwan January 2011 Event: A Booze-Up at On Tap!


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