Blog Carnival: Travel Myths Debunked

Blog Carnival: Travel Myths Debunked

We have all been given a nugget of advice or a whisper of warning before heading out on our amazing journey of teaching, travel, and adventure. But how much of that is true? The only real way to know is to go and apply to teach English abroad and discover the truths and myths for yourself. Here within this Reach To Teach Blog Carnival entry you will delve into the minds of our Reach To Teach bloggers who will tell you about the myths they were told that turned out to be false.


Jamie Phillips

The Secret No One Tells You

Depending on who you ask, and what sort of answer you’re looking for, travel is either something to be afraid of, or it isn’t. For every assertion of, “I could never do that”, there is an equally vehement counter: “Oh but you could; it’s actually really easy.”… [but] It’s a fallacy to think that travel and fear are mutually exclusive.

I am blessed with itchy feet… and I follow them! A few years ago, I packed up, sold, and redistributed all of my non-essential belongings, crammed my life into a backpack and wandered aimlessly into the world. I have gone swimming with alligators in the Amazon, hitch hiked the Carretera Austral highway in Chile, ridden camels in the Australian outback, and spent the weekend in a Buddhist nunnery in Taiwan.

Mary-Ellen Dingley

Realism, Idealism, And Teaching Abroad

I lived and breathed the search for an English teaching position in a foreign country where I could do my work well, learn a new language and experience a different culture.
A lot of myths were addressed and discarded in all of this reading material, but one myth that was somewhat pervasive, and not often addressed, was the often underlying idea of a “savior complex” 

Mary Ellen has volunteered, studied and worked in South America, Eurasia and the Caribbean. She graduated from the George Washington University where she studied cultural anthropology and creative writing. She currently resides in New Orleans where she dances as often as possible, eats jambalaya and spies on other people’s puppies at the park.

Rebecca Thering

Teaching Abroad Is Not A Vacation

The teaching abroad myth I’ve encountered most often is that teaching abroad is a big trip filled with lots of traveling. I’m writing this month to burst that bubble and show that at its core, teaching abroad is simply a job outside of your home country. Life abroad consists of the daily grind, just like you’d have back home; it’s not a vacation!

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I’m a Wisconsin-native currently teaching English at a rural elementary school in South Korea.  My Spanish skills aren’t quite as useful here as they were when I lived in Madrid, which is where my Spanish nickname Rebe (Ray-bay) stuck.  I have an itch to travel, craft, learn, and read – and to make the world a better place!

Jeff Woodcroft

Stop Re-Inventing The Wheel; Just Steal Your Neighbors Instead

No one is truly alone when they teach abroad. Large communities of teachers and expats surround any newcomer with open arms, so take advantage of it to beg, borrow, and steal what you can. It’s time we forget what we learned in school and start plagiarizing shamelessly.

Like most expats, Jeff has an unhealthy thirst for travel. When he realized big changes were necessary in his over-comfortable life in Canada, he called on this thirst and uprooted to Taipei, where he continues to tackle his most foreign obstacle yet: teaching children. Years ago Jeff realized that traveling inspires him to write, a fact for which he is continually apologetic to his friends and family.

Jessica Hill

Teach Abroad Myth Revealed

When I first started looking into teaching English abroad, I would sit up late nights in my bed, wading through the sea of Google info. It was one of those pipe dream reactions, where one article would inevitably lead to another website, or blog, or photo story or forum, each subsequently heightening my excitement for this journey, but none providing the answers I needed to actually do it.
I was surprised that the most common advice I found was to take a chance, fly out on a huge limb, and go seek a job only after arriving in a country of choice.

I didn’t take that advice, and neither should you. Click my page to find out why!

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Jessica J. Hill has taught English in Thailand and China, and wandered around a good portion of the Asian continent. She’s now working on a master’s degree in English, and writing a book about her time abroad, titled, “The People We Meet.” She continues to travel and write about it on her blog, MissAdventure Travel, and she also sells TEFL certification courses and job recruitment at Teach English: ESL. 

Maggie Attoe

China Myths Whilst Teaching Abroad

“You’re a traveler. You love it, you love everything about it and you will NOT, I repeat, will NOT get homesick or have extended culture shock”. I’m here to tell you that you may actually get home sickness or have culture shock. And guess what, it doesn’t mean you don’t like to travel or that this isn’t for you,.. it’s just a part of the process, it’s OK!”

From a small town in Wisconsin, I had big dreams and always carried the desire to travel. Whether it was having stints abroad for a few weeks at a time, or spending this last year in China I have learned a lot and enjoyed it all! Join me through my photos and adventures! “You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough” Mae West.

Chris and Jenni

I Feel Just Like Myth Busters!

Our blog post this month is giving our true and from the heart view on Teaching Abroad. We have spent the last 9 months teaching and realizing everything is not what you expect when you start this adventure.

Chris and I, Jenni, have been teaching at a private Hagwon in Anseong-si, South Korea for 9 months. We are from the Reading, Pennsylvania area and went to Albright College together. Chris and I are Teachers in the states with our licenses for Secondary Education and History. No better way to study history and culture than to experience it first hand!

Tiffany Molyneux

The Legend Of The Skunk Ape: Myths About Teaching Abroad 

There are many myths about moving to teach English abroad. In this blog I focus on 3 different myths and the truth that I experienced. 

Hello! My name is Tiffany Molyneux. I am a 29 year old from South Florida. I completed 6 years teaching in Florida, before moving to South Korea. I am in my second year teaching English in South Korea. I love God, people, and adventure. 


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And there you have it, may you leave this Carnival a wiser traveler with an arsenal of knowledge to help you swat away those false rumors and myths circling your travel plans in the style of man eating sharks. Protect yourself from the jaws of these rumors, become and enlightened and informed traveler. 

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One Response

  1. Rebe says:

    Thanks for hosting, Dean! Great collection of posts this month; I’m pleased with the variety of myths that everyone chose to write about!

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