Author: rttglobal

Culture Shock – What Shocks You About China?

China is definitely high on the list of places where you will experience culture shock. Here are nine moments of culture shock I experienced in China when I first got here.

Interview with Eric Adams: Teaching in Taipei

Introducing our latest teacher interview: Eric Adams. Eric is a recent college graduate from Maryland who has been teaching in Taiwan for the last year. These last few months in Taipei has been his first living abroad experience.

Event Recap: Shrimping Event

Last Saturday we hosted our third shrimping event in Taiwan. Shrimp fishing is a very Taiwanese thing to do, so we thought we would treat all of our teachers to a taste of the traditional here in Taiwan.

Blog Carnival: Home Comforts

Living in Taiwan for three years has been such an amazing and enriching experience. I have been asked to write about how it has changed my home comforts, but what Taiwan has done is actually provided me with new home comforts I never had before.

The Reality of Teaching Abroad

Teaching abroad is a fun and enriching experience for both you the teacher and the students, there is such a huge amount to be gained from the experience in aspects of teaching and being in your host country. However, there seems to be a lot of bad information out there as to the reality of teaching English abroad. Slogans such as “Teach English abroad, it’s a fun and easy way to travel” are misguiding.

Haley Williams, Teaching English In Shanghai, China

Reach To Teach is back again with another teacher interview for our readers. This time we spoke to Haley Williams who is currently teaching young children in Shanghai, China with her boyfriend. She made the incredible leap from the vast expanses of Alaska to the big city life of Shanghai.

Blog Carnival: The Best Age To Teach

Teaching ESL abroad can bring you many different experiences, especially in the classroom. In general teaching is split into teaching with Adults (18+), kindergarten (0-6) or in between, generally around 6-17 years old. There are crossovers with the groups, some positions will have you teaching a mix, and what some countries consider kindergarten age will differ.

Jimmy Hunt, An Australian Teacher In Hsinchu, Taiwan

Meet Jimmy Hunt, an Australian teacher who has been teaching at a Reach To Teach school in Hsinchu, Taiwan. Jimmy is a young and adventurous guy with a real thirst to see the world. He has explored a great deal of South East Asia, South America, New Zealand and the USA, and he has recently arrived in Taiwan.