Author: rttglobal

10 Tips For Your First Day of School

The first day of school sets the tone for the entire school year. It’s important that you make an impression and create a successful first day experience for your students.

Interview with Sam Simile, an American Teacher in New Taipei City, Taiwan

You won’t want to miss this interview with Sam Simile, an American teacher in New Taipei City. Samantha is a Reach To Teach teacher from Pennsylvania who has been wowing her students in Xi’an, China and Tucheng, Taiwan with her circus skills. Samantha is accomplished at stilt-walking, fire-breathing, and she’s incredibly bendy (As you’ll see from her photos!).

Grammar Tips: Writing in English Like an American

Grammar tips: Writing, and writing well, is a challenge. When students write in a second language — English, in this case — the challenges increase, but the same techniques that they use to write well in their first language apply, with a few modifications.

EPIK Interview – How To Prepare for Your ESL Interview

Six great tips for preparing for your EPIK interview (Or for any other teaching position, for that matter!)

Paying Your Student Loans from Abroad

Applicants often ask me about dealing with student loan debt while teaching in China. With a little bit of planning and effort, there is no reason why student loans should get in the way of teaching overseas. Paying your debts while in your home country is undoubtedly much easier and takes fewer steps-most student loan…
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Beyond China’s Great Firewall – How to Get Uncensored Internet Access in China

One of the most common questions we get about teaching in China is “What about Facebook?” Most people know China restricts internet usage, but do you know how to get around it?

A Day of Hiking HuangShan (Yellow Mountain) in China

Today’s guest post is from Ryan W., a Reach To Teach teacher working and living in Hangzhou, China. Ryan writes about his recent day of hiking Huangshan, also known as Yellow Mountain in China.

7 Tips For Living With Your Host Family

Living with a host family is a chance to understand your new home inside-out. It’s also a huge lesson in communication and understanding. Here are 7 tips for living with your host family abroad.