Blog Carnival: Travel Myths Debunked

We have all been given a nugget of advice or a whisper of warning before heading out on our amazing journey of teaching, travel, and adventure. But how much of that is true? The only real way to know is to go and apply to teach English abroad and discover the truths and myths for yourself. Here within this Reach To Teach Blog Carnival entry you will delve into the minds of our Reach To Teach bloggers who will tell you about travel myths that turned out to be false.

The 8 Travel Blogs That Will Make Your Travel Bug Itch (Part 2)

If part one of the “8 travel blogs sure to make your travel bug itch” didn’t satiate your virtual wanderlust, hopefully this week’s part two will! The amazing bloggers that have made today’s list are experts in the art of backpacking, traveling on a budget, and scouting out the best hidden restaurants and pubs in any country. These addictive websites are the perfect place to spend a few hours learning how to pack a neat and tidy backpack, which pub has the best and cheapest beer in London, and which luxurious hotel in Paris is the perfect choice for you.

5 Reasons You Should Learn Chinese (Part 1)

An actual conversation that occurred shortly before I moved to China in 2010: My Friend: You’re moving to China? Me: That’s right. My Friend: You’re crazy. Completely nuts. (making “cuckoo eyes” at me) Me: Why? Why is that so crazy? Lots of people do it. My Friend: Because they all speak Chinese there! You’ll probably die.…
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The Best Of ESL Teaching Advice Articles

Roll up! Roll up! ESL teachers one and all, whether you are fresh into teaching or you are the grand master of ESL, we can always learn new tricks and grow as teachers. We have cherry picked our best ESL teaching advice articles to share with you wonderful people.

The 8 Travel Blogs That Will Make Your Travel Bug Itch (Part 1)

Nothing is more satisfying to a wanderer than to see the journeys others have taken. In the age of the internet, it’s easier than ever to read stories and enjoy photos of other travelers as they embark on their unique paths around the world. Of course, I’m talking about the rise of travel blogs. In their simplest form, they’re an outlet for bloggers to share their experiences with the world, but travel blogs cultivate much more than mere curiosity.

Best Festivals To Visit In Taiwan

One of the best parts about becoming an expat in a new country is exploring the culture. A great way to take a peek into the window of a countries culture is to experience their festivals. Taiwan is a place where you can experience a wide variety of festivals from food to fireworks, sky lanterns to tradition, you can find it all here.

Resources for Teaching the Simple Past Tense

This installment in our Grammar Tense series helps you master the Simple Past Tense so you can legitimately dwell in the past.Get it? (Simple Present) Got it. (Simple Past) Good. (Simply) Here’s all you need to know in teaching the Simple Past Tense.

Gift Giving in Korea: 5 Gifts to Give Your Korean Co-Workers

One of the interesting, and slightly stressful, customs I’ve learned to accept and embrace while teaching in Korea is gift giving in the office. The most important time for gift giving in Korea is when a new employee receives their first paycheck.