RTT May Event: Lotus Lantern Festival and Itaewon Pubs in Seoul

RTT May Event: Lotus Lantern Festival and Itaewon Pubs in Seoul

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Reach To Teach will be hosting a meet-up at the Annual Lotus Lantern Festival. This will be a great chance to meet fellow teachers and experience a very special cultural event! The Lotus Lantern Festival is a annual modern-day  tradition that offers visitors the chance to experience Buddhist culture. The main event of the festival is the Lantern Parade, during which more than 100,000 brightly colored illuminated lanterns and lantern floats flood the streets of downtown Seoul. Come join us to celebrate this tradition and meet other RTT teachers!

Date: Saturday, May 19th, 2012


5:00 PM – Meet at Anguk Metro Station

5:15-5:30 (once everyone arrives at the station) – Have dinner in the Insadong area

7:00-9:00 – Watch the parade and participate in festival activities

9:30-10:00 – Head to Itaewon

10:30 – Wolfhound Irish Pub (Other pubs in the area will follow)

Please contact Caroline Hosey if you have any questions. Also if you can’t make the Lantern Festival, but want to join at the pub, that is fine too. Her number is 010-7130-8190. If you have Kakao talk, that is the best method of contact, if not a text message or phone call is great too!

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