Each year young Korean athletes, clad in their crimson or blue, face off in a series of competitions to prove their dominance over their rival. Korea University and Yonsei University are two of the oldest institutions in South Korea, founded in 1905 and 1885, respectively.
Mary McCusker is currently teaching for EPIK in South Korea through Reach to Teach. She has kindly shared with us her experiences and pictures in an interview. She had so much to say about her experiences that we have made this into a two part interview.
During my years abroad, I came across a variety of people, personalities, and temperaments. Some expats I really enjoyed, but some travelers were more of an acquired taste. I got on with most people as best I could, but there was a certain type of traveler that just really got under my skin.
We’ve all been there. Stuck traveling with that one friend who thinks eating tortilla chips and a can of Tostitos medium spice salsa is being crazy. It’s all fun and games (laughing at them while we snack on adventurous food) until we realize that we have to cater to their pansy taste buds when we travel with them.
Alright, you naughty little expats. I know you’ve been waiting for this article forever. Forget the sights, culture, and shopping scenes. What you want to know is where to party. Well, if you’re traveling the world in search of the perfect partying country, you made the right choice to stop in Taiwan.
Recently, I used a long weekend in Korea to travel to Japan, a destination also easy to access from China and Taiwan. With cheap flights readily available (Peach Airlines is probably the most popular), a few days is well worth the trip. Here are a few pointers on capitalizing on the opportunity.
Commissioned in 1395, the wall is rumored to have seen its first iteration complete in only three months, employing nearly 200,000 people to construct 97 600-foot sections. Additional defense of the city would be provided by Bukhansan Fortress to the north and Namhansanseong Fortress to the south.
The easiest way to make a new friend on the road is to share a travel hack. Offered tips, tricks, and tidbits of advice are the quickest way to a traveling girl’s heart because it proves that you’re a like-minded woman with wanderlust.