Last week I brought you the first installment of my weekend away in Taroko National Park where you saw the beginning of my adventure. Here I bring you part 2 and the rest of my journey into this amazing National Park in Taiwan.
Despite all of the romanticism surrounding being a traveler, there’s one terribly heavy burden that travellers take on the moment they leave home to see the world: the fact that they’ll miss out on making memories back home.
Sitting on top of a large, smooth, sun-warmed rock positioned just above the clear blue water, tucked away in a private alcove down the river and off the beaten path from the Shakadang trail in Taroko National Park, I turn to my friend and say, “Life is happening right now.” From the rock pillow she has been resting on she turns and nods her head in relaxed agreeance.
I bought a one-way ticket to Asia almost three years ago in search of adventure, fun, and happiness. Of the three things I was hoping to find while abroad, the only one I didn’t find was happiness.
If you have decided to teach ESL abroad, there are bound to be a lot of questions running through your mind. It is important to ask as many questions as you think are necessary, but some questions are more important than others. Whether you are already getting to know your students or just applying for your visa, here are answers to some of the top questions that new ESL teachers have.
All it takes it a little discipline (choose a writing schedule and stick to it), patience, and lots of ink to begin enjoying the habit of writing in a journal. Not sure where to start or what to write in your journal? Keep these 5 tips in mind and soon you’ll have a journal that will rival the memoirs of Eat, Pray, Love.
With each near year comes new goals and aspirations. All of us aiming to become a better version of ourselves than last year. As we usher in 2016 we should take some time to really think about who we want to become and ponder the steps we can take to get there.
Arriving in a new place instills a sense of excitement and wanderlust. The first ideas that come to your mind involve traveling, meeting new people, and eating new, exciting foods. This is, of course, is one of the most exciting parts about traveling and being in a new country; however, for many people, the difficulties of being away from family, friends, and home eventually begin to creep up.