Here’s a quick little mini-lesson on the gorgeous natural hot springs in Taiwan. Readers beware: if you’ve never visited Taiwan before, this list will make you want to jump on the next plane out. You’ve been warned.
It’s funny thinking back on all the little social faux pas I made on a daily basis during my first few weeks in Taipei, and I certainly wish someone had been able to spot me in a crowd and lend a helping hand, especially when I was lost in the city.
In 16 days, I will join the numbers of brave men and women who plugged their noses and dove face first into a bowl of stinky tofu. Wish me luck, friends.
After an entire year of daily practices, it’s going to be arduous to simply drop the habits I’ve picked up – these 10 listed especially.
Usually run by thin, gorgeous, and impossibly chic young women, the boutiques of Taipei are not to be missed when you’re aching for a little retail therapy. Although the selections are usually great, buyers beware: there are Taiwanese boutique shopping rules to be learned.
As flowery summer dresses and oversized sunglasses come out, it’s the perfect atmosphere for dating. If you happen to find yourself head over heels for a person in Taiwan, then keep these 10 tips in mind as you begin your pursuit. (Consider me your Cupid!)
The education system in South Korea is changing, and the thing about change is that it takes time to perfect. I learned this the hard way and it’s greatly impacted my year as an English teacher in The Land of The Morning Calm in many positive (and sometimes not so positive) ways.
As scary as it was though when I moved to Taiwan, I didn’t know a single person in the country. A couple years later, I had a group of some of the closest friends I’d ever met in my life. I don’t regret for an instant deciding to teach abroad alone.