Tag: expat advice

Networking At EPIK Orientation

Fall EPIK orientation is just weeks away and now that you have your packing list and last minute tips from my previous articles, we can begin to focus on another good idea to keep in mind during your time at orientation: networking. I know on top of all the other things going through your mind the thought of networking might seem furthest from important, but it really does have its advantages.

Blog Carnival: Teaching And Technology

Technology is a funny thing, it has grown and grown at a phenomenal speed and we constantly live in a world of progression where technology makes everything easier. But is that the case for teaching?

Korean Cosmetics: A Beginner’s Guide

If there’s one thing I’ve been turned onto in Korea (besides blunt bangs) that I’m positively obsessed with it’s beauty products and beauty chains. They’re absolutely amazing – which is hardly a surprise considering Korean women and men have envious perfect porcelain complexions. For the longest time I’d thought their smooth skin was a matter of genes, and I sulked that I hadn’t won the gene lottery.

5 Tips For Strong Expat Relationships

I’ve been hesitant to write this article for sometime now. Mainly because I hardly fit the bill of being able to give any type of love advice when my own journey to a relationship was filled with tears, heart ache, and too many pints of ice cream to honestly admit. Despite my lack of expertise on the subject, I’m going to try to tackle it anyway because the number one question I get asked in emails and Facebook messages is “Judith, how does one make an expat relationship work?”

10 Places Not To Miss In China (Part 1)

During a year abroad teaching in China one has lots of opportunities to travel. Where to go? China is so vast, bursting with possibilities, it can be difficult to choose where to go. This article is here to help! Here are 10 places not to miss in China (part 1).

Advice From Veteran Expats From Via Reach To Teach Teachers

Moving date is looming closer, and I bet nerves, excitement, and other strange emotions are beginning to run rampant throughout your pretty head. Don’t worry, future expat, you’re not the only one who has had doubts and worries right before leaving your comfort zone for a year. The current expats in Korea, myself included, would like to offer you some sound advice on everything and anything expat and South Korea related.

How To Be Frugal In South Korea

One of the best things about teaching in Korea is the pay. We’re all friends here, so we can go ahead and say that the nice paycheck we get monthly from EPIK is definitely one of the perks and main reasons some expats never leave Korea. I was already at the ripe age of 25 when I first moved to Korea, so I’d already had a string of jobs under my belt and some experience with handling my money. However, all of my money saving ways went out the window the moment I moved to South Korea.

5 Awesome Korean Summer Festivals

Summertime in Korea has so much to offer to those looking for some seasonal entertainment. One of my favorite things about Korea is the festivals here. They’re usually big, flashy, and always done right. Although there are countless fun and interesting festivals occurring all throughout Korea during this time of year, I’m here to share my favorite 5 with you.