Tag: global educators

The 8 Travel Blogs That Will Make Your Travel Bug Itch (Part 2)

If part one of the “8 travel blogs sure to make your travel bug itch” didn’t satiate your virtual wanderlust, hopefully this week’s part two will! The amazing bloggers that have made today’s list are experts in the art of backpacking, traveling on a budget, and scouting out the best hidden restaurants and pubs in any country. These addictive websites are the perfect place to spend a few hours learning how to pack a neat and tidy backpack, which pub has the best and cheapest beer in London, and which luxurious hotel in Paris is the perfect choice for you.

The Best Of ESL Teaching Advice Articles

Roll up! Roll up! ESL teachers one and all, whether you are fresh into teaching or you are the grand master of ESL, we can always learn new tricks and grow as teachers. We have cherry picked our best ESL teaching advice articles to share with you wonderful people.

10 Things To Expect At An EPIK Orientation (Part 2)

We are joined once more by our South Korea expert Judith Villarreal who give us the second part of her two-part series about what to expect at an EPIK orientation.

10 Things To Expect At An EPIK Orientation (Part 1)

There’s really only one thing you’ll need to know about EPIK orientation that can fully prepare you for your first week in Korea, which is EPIK orientation is basically freshman year university orientation all over again. There’s no getting around it, and there’s no use pouting because orientation is mandatory. Truth be told, it isn’t a terrible experience. Sure, you’ll still have those nervous jitters as you scout out the group of fellow newbies trying to figure out who your new friends will be, but your week won’t be all nerves and lectures. I’m going to go so far as to say you’re actually going to have fun. This two part article will give you some insight into 10 things you can expect to happen at your EPIK orientation.

Getting Ready To Teach English Abroad? Take My Advice

I’m sure that we all have things that we would have done different when preparing to go away, because lets face it, we weren’t blessed with the gift of foresight and problems will always occur. Which is why we are here to share with you the things that we would have done differently to better prepare you the reader. Here are my top 3.

10 Productive Things To Do During Desk Warming Season: Part 2

Now that desk warming season is in full swing, I hope you were able to keep busy last week with the 5 productive activities to do at school during your free time. This week I have 5 more activities to share with you to prevent your brain from turning to mush during this long and lonely time at school.

10 Productive Things To Do During Desk Warming Season: Part 1

In desk warming season it would be easy to just watch an endless marathon of movies and Youtube videos. In fact, this is what most teachers tend to prefer doing. Instead of letting my brain mush out for weeks on New Girl reruns and Facebook stalking, I prefer to stay busy and keep my mind occupied during this extra free time. I’m going to share with you 10 things I like to do during desk warming season to help keep me busy, active, and happy.

Top 8 ESL Games Every Teacher Should Know

We have all been there, we have started our year with awesome games, but as the months draw on these awesome games start to lose their zing with your students. Time to shake it up a little, below I have compiled the top 8 games every ESL teacher should know.