Tag: teaching abroad

Improving Pronunciation in Your ESL Students

We’ve all experienced the frustration of talking to someone who clearly has a good working knowledge of English but still seems almost unintelligible. Maybe you’ve been that person, too, struggling to master the unfamiliar sounds of a foreign language.

Transportation in Taipei

One of the best parts about living in different areas of the world is getting to experience the lay of the land. Each country has it’s own geography that dictates how people are able to commute. As we inhabit different places around the world we mold our surroundings to fit our needs.

5 Life Skills Gained From Teaching ESL

So, you’re wondering what to put on your resume after a year or more of teaching ESL – especially if the career you’re looking to move into is completely unrelated to teaching. Well, good news: teaching ESL gives you so many useful experiences and skills that apply to just about any situation you may find yourself in. Here are five examples of life skills you’ll learn as an ESL teacher that will carry over into whatever you do next in life.

Why be an ESL Teacher?

I have asked a handful of ESL teachers why they wanted to be an ESL teacher and many locals ask the teachers why they decided to do so as well. The answers vary, some very practical, some spiritual, some wanderlust– a common thread tends to tie them together.

Ten Questions to Ask Yourself Before Teaching Abroad

Thinking about teaching abroad? Before you jump in, make sure you take some time to do your research, know what you’re getting into, and ask yourself if you are deciding to teach ESL overseas for the right reasons. Here are ten questions every potential ESL teacher should ask themselves before making the leap to teaching abroad.

5 Surprising Benefits Of Learning A New Language

Moving to a new country is an exciting adventure, but the trip can be made even better when you learn the native language. It takes time, effort, and tons (seriously, tons) of patience to learn a new language (or even just words and phrases). In the end, though, it’s worth it for many reasons.

Cultural Differences that Affect the Classroom in Taiwan

As teachers, all of us bring something of ourselves to the classroom, which comes from our socio-economic, cultural, education, and familial backgrounds. These experiences that we bring can create amazingly positive effects in the classroom and can, at times, create tension as well. In this article, I will detail a couple of the cultural differences between Western teaching styles and styles I have seen in Taiwan.

A Guide To Holidays Away from Home – Celebrating Abroad

It’s not going to be around late fall and early winter that those tiny little pangs of homesickness start to prick your heart and tummy. Don’t worry, though. It’s perfectly natural to feel that way, and you have this handy guide to help you survive the first fits of homesickness.