Tag: teaching abroad

Blog Carnival: Don’t Get Burnt Out With Teaching

We all know what it can be like as teachers, you are as excited as a firework when you go away to another country and begin your journey as an overseas ESL teacher. In the beginning you are busy getting to know your students, getting to grips with the curriculum and school system and getting to know your work colleagues, so everything is new and amazing. Fast forward a year and you find that the ‘honeymoon period’ has set sail, the excitement of your new position has lost its charms and work has become a daily grind instead of a fun cool job.

8 Ways To Start Well At Your New School (Part Two)

Judith Villarreal is back with her second installment of her covering 8 ways to start well at your new school in South Korea.

“Dear Future EPIK Teacher, I understand the nerves you must be feeling right now. Believe me, I do. To add a new country, language, and culture onto your list of changes to come soon, you also have to add a brand new work environment. Hopefully you read part one of the 8 Ways To Start Well At Your New School. Get your printer ready to print off my second half of awesome tips!”

8 Ways To Start Well At Your New School (Part One)

Most teachers are gearing up for the big move that is just months away. That time will fly by much faster than any will realize. After you’ve typed out and printed your packing list, be sure to print out these helpful tips to keep with the rest of your South Korea documents and lists. You’ll be thanking me once you’ve effortlessly survived your first day on the job.

5 Things To Know About Doctor’s Visits In Korea

Korea’s trees are beginning to become full with lush green leaves again, flowers have bloomed and happily line every sidewalk, and the long days have a bright, happy luster that was missing only a few weeks ago. All of these changes can only mean one thing, spring is here! As happy as the news that the bleak Korean winter is over, it always comes with the dreaded knowledge that allergies are only a tissue’s reach away.

The Best Of ESL Teaching Advice Articles

Roll up! Roll up! ESL teachers one and all, whether you are fresh into teaching or you are the grand master of ESL, we can always learn new tricks and grow as teachers. We have cherry picked our best ESL teaching advice articles to share with you wonderful people.

10 Things To Expect At An EPIK Orientation (Part 2)

We are joined once more by our South Korea expert Judith Villarreal who give us the second part of her two-part series about what to expect at an EPIK orientation.

Food In Abu Dhabi: Five To Try

Food in Abu Dhabi: Five things not to be missed on your next trip to this amazing place. Is there good food in the desert? You bet!

Getting Ready To Teach English Abroad? Take My Advice

I’m sure that we all have things that we would have done different when preparing to go away, because lets face it, we weren’t blessed with the gift of foresight and problems will always occur. Which is why we are here to share with you the things that we would have done differently to better prepare you the reader. Here are my top 3.