Having confidence in the classroom is essential to a well working class. Whether you are a first-time teacher or a seasoned veteran, beginning a new year with new classes can be a little nerve-wracking.
Learning a new language in your host country could be one of the best decisions you make. As teachers, we are prone to giving good advice, it’s our job. Inspiring young ones and cultivating students’ minds. However, when it comes to taking our own advice, at times, we hesitate.
Having backup activities can be a real lifesaver in the classroom. As a newer teacher, it was always a great fear to have time left over in a lesson. I had begun teaching a brand new class of students with no previous English experience in the summer.
Continuing our outdoor activities in Taipei series we bring you part three. The best part of traveling in Taiwan are the various segments of each trip. A seemingly simple hiking trip can easily turn into a multi-layered excursion.
Living abroad can be a scary concept to get your head around. Are you a little nervous about moving abroad? Here is the second half of my FAQ list continued from last week on commonly feared aspects while moving abroad!
Language and culture are inevitably and intricately intertwined. When students start to learn another language they will always be taking in different parts of that language’s culture. As teachers, it’s important that we can incorporate various different cultural lessons during our teaching.
Many people have fears about living abroad, perhaps you have had some worries holding you back? Have you told your friends about your plans to live abroad only to hear the response, “Oh, I could never do that!”
Dealing with children in Korea has really been an eye opener. When I was trying to decide where to teach, I kept hearing about how teaching in South Korea was one of the best ESL teaching jobs in the world.