Teaching English in Taiwan Links
Teaching English in Taiwan Sites
These are some links to living and teaching in Taiwan resources. We hope some of the below links will be helpful to you.
Hungry Girl in Taipei – A food journal and restaurant guide for Taipei.
Taiwan Events and Activities – As much as Reach To Teach would like to keep hosting events for teachers, we’ve seen a significant decline in attendance at our events with the addition of Facebook. Additionally, we have had issues with booking venues and having teachers commit only to not show up. This leaves Reach To Teach to pay for the costs of the venue.
For these reasons, we’ve decided to offer a few events throughout the year and refer teachers to Facebook groups for event information. There are groups for expats, foodie groups, event groups, hiking groups, and much more on Facebook.
Teach and Travel with My Several Worlds – Written by a Canadian expat living in Asia since 2003, this informative page has all sorts of great information about teaching abroad.
Taipei Ladies: A group for expat women in Taipei. Women only.
Taichung Ladies: A group for expat women in Taichung.
How To Add Your Site
To see your teaching, language, Asia travel or other related site listed here for free, FIRST add a link to our site from yours using the details provided below (scroll down a little further for the actual HTML link code). Once you’ve added our link, please write to info@ReachToTeachRecruiting.com.
URL: http://reachtoteachrecruiting.com/Teach-English-in-Taiwan.html
Link Text: Teach English in Taiwan: ESL Jobs
Description: Reach To Teach helps you find an ESL teaching job with a reputable school that meets our standards for high quality English teacher positions. You can apply for jobs teaching in Taiwan, China and South Korea. We also provide support throughout your experience overseas in Asia.
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