4 Best Safety Apps For Travelers

4 Best Safety Apps For Travelers

Walking girl in a crowd

Even if you’re traveling with a group of friends in one of the most visited countries, it’s still smart to always be prepared for unexpected events. Most of my companions (and myself included) didn’t even know any emergency numbers when we were living in South Korea.

appsSouth Korea just seemed so warm and welcoming, and we didn’t think we’d ever have needed to call for help.

Looking back on my time there, I wish I had been smarter and prepared myself. (God knows it probably would have helped my situation immensely when I got locked in an ATM stand while tipsy off soju after hours.)

[bctt tweet=”Before going abroad and starting your new adventures, prep yourself on safety procedures”] in the country you’re visiting. Read tourism websites and blogs for safety tips.

There are even amazing new apps that travelers have begun creating with developers to help make travelers safer. These 5 are my top picks for apps. Be sure to check each for apple vs android use!


Triplingo is a nifty app is perfect for travelers who aren’t fluent in the native language. It offers a phrase book with helpful words and phrases for medical and safety emergencies, and it features an instant voice translator.

When connected to wi-fi, travelers can make international calls home for free. This awesome app is free, making it the perfect addition for travelers on a budget who also care about safety.

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!Emergency! only costs .99, but well worth the dollar spent because it shows your different emergency numbers from countries all around the world. Once installed, the app will detect which country you are in and will generate the correct emergency phone numbers accordingly. Its newest version will also bring up a list of nearby hospitals and clinics around you.

Safety Map Worldwide

Safety Map Worldwide will show you the level of crime and public safety for areas around the world. If you’re new to a country and thinking about staying in a hostel for the night, this app will show you the safest neighborhoods and districts with color-coded indicators. Hostel jumping has never been safer with this free app.


BSafe is currently only available in a few countries, but it’s really great for safety. This app allows friends to virtually walk you home, allows the user to check into places to alert friends that they’re ok, and it can call for help with the single tap of a button.

It’s basic version is free, and it has all sorts of nice little features like Fake Call, which allows you to set up a fake call beforehand when you’re on a blind date in case you decide during the date that you don’t feel safe, which is seriously a good idea when you’re dating in a foreign country. (I’ve been on a few dates abroad that made me feel a little uncomfortable, and it would’ve been nice to have something like this to rely on.)

Remember that these apps shouldn’t be used in place of research and common sense. You should always stay aware of your surroundings and do your best to learn about the safety of the countries you’re visiting.

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Calling all world travelers! Do you know any other helpful travel phone apps that can promote safer globetrotting? Share your answer with other expats in a comment below!

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