10 Tips For Dating in Taiwan

10 Tips For Dating in Taiwan

The summer of love is right around the corner which means two things in Taiwan: sweltering, unforgivably humid days and dates; I can see how you’d be confused as the two don’t exactly go hand in hand but stay with me for a minute.

loveOnce rainy season hits in Taiwan, people will take advantage of every opportunity to enjoy sunny days when they rear their glorious heads. On these days you can expect to see hoards of people walking the night markets, relaxing in cafes, and shopping – it usually happens just when you were beginning to think Taiwan was a ghost country because everyone stays locked up and away from the rain.

As flowery summer dresses and over-sized sunglasses come out, it’s the perfect atmosphere for dating. If you happen to find yourself head over heels for a person in Taiwan, then keep these 10 tips in mind as you begin your pursuit. (Consider me your Cupid!)

1. Ask for an introduction

Attempting to meet a stranger in a bar isn’t the way to begin your journey to love. Taiwanese people prefer to be introduced to a potential date by someone they know and trust.

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If you have friends, classmates, or co-workers who are friends with some pretty (and single, duh) people, ask if they’d introduce you. Just don’t be too pushy about it as Taiwanese people are notorious for their shyness.

2. Don’t force anything

Relationships in Taiwan happen a little slower than you might be used to. Holding hands and kissing is usually reserved for couples, so play it safe and keep some distance between yourself and your date.

If you have a kissing-on-the-first-date habit, kick it. The only action your lips will get on the first date is slurping up noodles and practicing your Mandarin.

3. Be open to a new culture

It should go without saying that if you’ve got a crush on a boy or girl from another culture, the last thing you should do is smack talk their country, cuisine, language, or culture.

My next point has been reiterated time and again on my articles because it really is a part of daily life: don’t plug your nose and scream in pain when you and your date walk by a stinky tofu stand.

In fact, if you’re aiming to impress, take a big whiff and remark on how delicious it smells. (Kidding, of course. But don’t be Obvious Ollie when you hold your breath.)

4. Share you culture

Plan a fun date where you can share a little bit of your own culture with your date. Go to a fun festival that celebrates another country like Celebrate Canada Day!

5. Understand that there will be times of miscommunication

It’s going to happen. When two worlds collide there are bound to be sparks (not all of them good). If you find you’ve accidentally angered your date because of cultural differences, explain that you meant no harm. To the same effect, if your date angers you, be patient and understand that there wasn’t any malicious intent.

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6. Experience new things together

Your date may be excited to show you the country, but surprise your date by planning something you’ve both never tried before. The options in Taiwan are endless: painting class, a brewery tour, and skydiving.

7. Take it slow

Don’t rush things. Enjoy your date’s company and move at a speed they’re comfortable with in the relationship.

8. Be patient with language barriers

It’s going to happen. Just try not to look so flustered when you can’t remember the Mandarin for “Can I see you again?”. Overcoming the language barrier is not always easy, but a worthwhile thing to achieve.

9 Teach each other new things

This is pretty much a great tip for anyone in any culture as it brings two people closer together. Whether it’s calligraphy, language, cooking, or skateboarding, learn about your date’s hobbies and have fun teaching him/her yours.

10.The best way to a Taiwanese heart is through the stomach

As baseball is the national pastime in the US, eating in the chosen favorite in Taiwan. Seriously, Taiwanese people can eat. If you’re ever at a loss for date ideas or gifts, remember that anything luxurious and delicious is always a good choice.

If you’ve ever dated in Taiwan, what tips can you give other lovesick travelers? Share your answer with other expats in a comment below!


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