20 Initial Thoughts Of A Foreigner In Taiwan

As life in Taiwan begins to lose a little of its newness for me, I’ve decided to revisit some of the initial thoughts I had when I first moved to this beautiful island.
Last year’s blog post A Foreigner’s Unfiltered Thoughts In South Korea was so much fun, I decided to do the same article for my first thoughts upon entering Taiwan. I’ve come a long way from those first few weeks, and looking back on the things I wrote down in my journals that confused me now make me laugh. A few of them are a bit embarrassing to share since it’s so obvious what a naïve traveler I can be at times, but this is all in good fun and you promise not to judge me right?
- “Oh, god. I forgot to spit out my gum before jumping on the subway. I think that little old grumpy lady has noticed. Should I try and swallow it?”
- * Sees stinky tofu stand *
“You know, I’m feeling pretty adventurous today. Maybe I’ll finally give stinky tofu a go.”
* Walks closer *
“After all, it’s not that smelly and besides I really should try new- * smells huge waft of stinky tofu *
- “I haven’t eaten in an hour. I should probably go get some street food so I don’t starve to death.”
- “How did I spend over 3,000 NTD at a night market where everything only cost 300 NTD?!”
- “God, I love the metro. It’s so cheap and convenient.”
- “God, I love cabs. They’re so cheap and convenient.”
- “Taiwanese money looks like Monopoly money. Spending it doesn’t really count as spending real money. Right?”
- “How many days would it take me to go try all the flavors of bubble tea at Come Buy? Should I try a new flavor each time I buy a boba tea? Nah I’ll just stick to my favorite original like always.”
- “I’m not sure what the hell I’m eating, but it’s soooooo good…. please don’t let this be fried chicken anus.”
- “It’s Friday night. Ximen or ATT? Ximen or ATT? Ugh. I’m going to buy some cheap Taiwan beer and stay home to watch Netflix.”
- “Uh-oh. This menu has no English or pictures. Just point to whatever and hope for the best. Worse come to worst, McDonald’s is a block away.”
- “Is that dog wearing… a … diaper?”
- “Carrefour is great and all, but I miss Target and Whole Foods.”
- “How have I been here for 7 months and still not been to the 101 building!”
- “I’m too shy to haggle so I’ll gladly pay the overpriced tag.”
- “Why is everyone bundled up like they’re about to climb Mt. Everest? There’s barely a chill out today.”
- “I’m sorry. You said those yummy looking rice cakes are soaked in Pig’s Blood? Damn right I’m trying one!”
- * Sees stinky tofu stand. Holds breath. Power walks past stinky tofu stand to fresh air. *
- “I wore shorts this morning because it was so hot, but I need a winter coat tonight because it’s so cold. I don’t understand Taiwan’s weather. There’s no logic in this place.”
- “I love my life in Taiwan. Everyday is a new adventure, and I can’t wait to see what tomorrow brings!”
What were the strangest or funniest thoughts you had when you went to a new country for the first time? Share your answer in a comment below!