The 8 Travel Blogs That Will Make Your Travel Bug Itch (Part 1)

The 8 Travel Blogs That Will Make Your Travel Bug Itch (Part 1)

Judith villarreal eating

 Nothing is more satisfying to a wanderer than to see the journeys others have taken. In the age of the internet, it’s easier than ever to read stories and enjoy photos of other travelers as they embark on their unique paths around the world. Of course, I’m talking about the rise of travel blogs. In their simplest form, they’re an outlet for bloggers to share their experiences with the world, but travel blogs cultivate much more than mere curiosity.

 “A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies” – George R.R. Martin

TravelTravelers, like you and I, turn to these brave others who relate their experiences for inspiration when we can’t seem to find the beauty in our seemingly ordinary lives. We look to them for advice when we finally decide it’s our turn to take the plunge into the world of adventure, and most importantly, we read their words and admire their photos to live through and enjoy their adventures as if they were our own.

With the ease of publishing through platforms like Blogger, WordPress, and Tumblr, it’s easy to get lost in the endless sea of up and coming travel blogs. Picking a favorite travel blog is about as difficult as picking a single ice cream flavor without any samples at Baskin Robbins (It’s easy for me though, I always go for pistachio nut. Mmmm). After all, there are only so many hours we can spend reading blogs in our cubicles at our regular 9-5s, right? I’ve hand picked 10 amazing travel blogs to share that will be sure to get your travel bug itching. Just be sure to keep your passport on hand once you’ve wandered into the world of each travel blogger because you will be dying for an adventure when you’re done with this list.

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1. The Best Adventure Blog

WanderingEarl is an exciting travel blog for those who have always dreamed about wandering through the most venturesome countries, but haven’t quite caught their wind of courage yet. Earl has visited 87 countries throughout his travels and has the best heart pounding, blood rushing stories about each country he’s visited. Follow him on his journey as he shares the day he was followed by a secret agent in Beirut or the traumatic time he saw a headless man in India. His posts aren’t always suited for the faint of heart, but for those fearless nomads among us, Wandering Earl’s website is your best bet for adventure, danger, and sound advice for staying alive as you trek through it all.

2. The Best Photography Blog

Canvas-Of-Light is a gorgeous mixture of travel photography, photography tutorials, and workshops. For all those who love to see the world through an artistic lens, Daniel Nahabedian’s website shouldn’t be missed. With his eye for beauty and his extensive list of camera gear, Daniel roams the world capturing photographs of wild animals, people, cultural events, and architecture. His portraits are so unique and beautiful that it’s no wonder he is able to sell a framed photograph at a maximum price of $680.00. For those that would like to own pieces from his amazing photography portfolio without shelling out all life savings or maxing out five credit cards, he has a wide range of standard sizes and photo finishes for sell as well. Prices range from anywhere between $2.00 to $150.00.

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 3. The Best Food Blogs #1

For those of you who aren’t yet aware, I like to consider myself an amateur foodie. Which basically means I obsess over food, will eat anything you put in front of me, and religiously write about and upload photos of my meals to my website. Actually, my most popular article to do is a foodie post about the first time I tasted Korean toast, you can find it here. Deciding on the best food blogs is already a difficult enough task, but attempting to choose a favorite world food blog is damn near impossible. Now, my food hobby in no way qualifies me as an expert in the culinary arts or culinary photography. I can’t tell you why the hints of cilantro in a plate of tripe bring out the dishes raw flavors, and I most certainly can’t distinguish whether a photo of a greasy double bacon cheeseburger was taken with a DSLR camera or with a great filter on Instagram. What I can tell you is this, these two travel food blogs make me hungry. Yeah, that’s the scale I use to judge which food blogs are the best.

The first on the best food blogs list is EatYourWorld. Envy doesn’t even begin to describe the emotions that ran through my body as I read post after post and salivated over tantalizing photos of food from all over the world. Although, maybe hunger is really what was welling up inside of me rather than envy as I scoured EatYourWorld’s website. My tummy rumbled as I drooled over photos of goat cheese and beef stuffed street tacos in Mexico, flaky sausage rolls in London, and gooey peach cobbler in Texas. The best part about this website is that it is all about the food. You can pick a region on their interactive map and all the articles they have ever written on the food in that country will pop up for your enjoyment. I’m warning you now, though. Don’t read on an empty stomach.

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4. The Best Food Blogs #2

Part travel blog, part food blog. GranTourismoTravels mixes the best of both worlds. The married couple that run the blog have perfected what they call “slow travel”, which is the art of living like a local. Not only do Lara Dunston and Terence Carter live like locals as they stay for months at a time in rental homes in new places, but they definitely eat like locals. Even better still, they learn to cook like locals. The duo of Grantourismo learn to cook the dishes local to their current spot on the map. They then cook and photograph their masterpieces. The best part? Most of their home cooked meals blog posts have a recipe so wanderers at home can try their hand at the dish themselves. Unlike other food blogs that will tease you with dishes from across the globe that you can’t try, GranTourismo shares with you all the secret recipes they find on their slow travels.

I hope these four travel blogs are enough to satisfy your virtual wanderlust for now, fellow travelers. If you have any favorite travel blogs, we’d love to hear the, in a comment below! Next week, I’ll be sharing four more must-read blogs with you. Until then, safe travels.

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One Response

  1. Jason Cruzan says:

    Another great article, Judith! I love your style!

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