Welcome to Our February 2015 EPIK Arrivals

Welcome to Our February 2015 EPIK Arrivals

EPIK Teachers - Reach To Teach

EPIK Teachers - Reach To TeachWhenever February rolls around, the Reach To Teach team breaks out their winter clothes (unused while living in Taiwan, of course) and heads for South Korea to welcome the teachers arriving for EPIK Orientation.

It’s always nice to finally meet in person the teachers we have been in contact with over the last six months over the phone and email. A few weeks ago John and I flew over and braved the weather for a few days so we could meet the arrivals for the February intake of the 2015 EPIK program.

kbbq1kbbq3This time was really nice, as our travel agent had arranged some great rates at the Hyatt near the airport. So instead of getting off the plane after an 18-hour flight and then jumping on the EPIK bus for a three-hour bus ride to orientation, most of our teachers arrived the day before and got the chance to clean up and rest for a night in the swanky Hyatt.

In addition to meeting everyone when they arrived, we got the chance to go out that evening and share with the teachers what was surely the first of many meals of Korean barbecue. The food was good and it was nice to talk with our teachers about something besides documents and visas for once!kbbq4 kbbq2

The next morning, we all met in the Hyatt lobby and arranged transportation together to the airport, where the EPIK people were waiting for us.

After a flawless check in, the teachers were whisked away to the orientation site, and the beginning of their great adventure. A few stragglers arrived in Korea throughout the day, and before long everyone was accounted for and in place. Just like that, another session was wrapped up (not counting those teachers arriving for March and April placements, of course). We headed back to Taiwan and put our flip flops back on.

See also  RTT May Event: Lotus Lantern Festival and Itaewon Pubs in Seoul

Thanks to all our teachers who arrived this session! We wish you all the best this year and look forward to hearing from you!


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